
I’ve been traveling to various parts of the world outside the United States since I was thirteen. I’ve visited and/or lived in more than 25 countries, though in some places, the stay was just long enough for lunch and a stamp in my passport. 🙂 (The rule in my family is you can count a place if you are outside the airport.)

The following galleries show a few highlights of the places I’ve been over the past two and a half decades.

Central America & Haiti – 1994-1998

Guatemala 1994
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Asia – 1997, 2001-2002, 2009

Mongolia 1997
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Central Asia – 2003-2005

Cooking rice for a wedding! - Afghanistan 2003
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The Middle East – 2006

Jerash, Jordan 2006
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Europe – 2009

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The UK – 2014 – 2017

In the gardens at the Church of Ireland Cathedral in Armagh, Northern Ireland
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Ireland – 2014-2017

A view from the Benbulbin Forest walk.
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