This morning, I sat in the glass porch at the front of my house enjoying sunshine, a cup of tea, and time with my journal. I filled more than a page with thanksgiving to God, and I could likely have filled the book if I’d kept going. I am overwhelmed today by the goodness and faithfulness of God.
Three years ago today, I arrived on this island for the first time, and I’ve never looked back. Of course I miss family and friends (and maybe Taco Bell), but I love my life here. Yes, there are things I dream of and hope for, but I cannot help but feel privileged to have the life I do.
I live in a country where I feel I belong, surrounded by friends who are more like family. I have been able to visit nearly 30 countries and see some places many people only dream of visiting. I get to minister to others through the gifts God has given me – singing, writing, praying, sharing wisdom, holding wee ones, and providing hospitality. I have all I need plus some things I just want. Most importantly, I have a relationship with God and know that whatever happens in this life, the best is always yet to come!
Even with the uncertainties currently swirling around in my head, I am overwhelmed at God’s goodness. I know He is a God who keeps His promises, and in that knowledge, I find strength to hold onto the hope for what He has promised. Those things may not end up looking the way I envision, but I know they will come to pass for His glory and my good. Because of that assurance, I can turn my eyes to Him and thank Him for all that He has done already.
I don’t know where you’re at today. Maybe your needs seem bigger than your provision. Maybe you’re unsatisfied with where you’re at in life. Maybe you have all you’ve ever wanted and realized it hasn’t satisfied you completely. Wherever you find yourself today, take some time to thank God for all that you do have… As you begin to focus on what you have instead of what you don’t, you may find that you have far more than you ever realized.