Part 2

And now, here is part 2 of the lessons I learned from The Princess and the Pea: (Part 1) 5. When the test is over, the pea is removed and Continue Reading →

Guard Your Heart…

Hello friends. Thank you for continuing to walk this journey with me. Today’s post is a bit of what I learned as I fought through the lies I mentioned last Continue Reading →

A Paradox of Lies

I’ve talked a bit before about paradoxes and conflicting emotions like joy and sadness that can accompany them. One definition of paradox according to the Cambridge English dictionary is: a Continue Reading →

Letting Go of Hopes

Hi friends. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote. I’ve thought of topics to write about on a number of occasions, but by the time I had Continue Reading →

You Deserve It.

Last night, I watched a movie with the “Faith and Film” small group I am part of. I’d seen the film before, but watching in the context of this group Continue Reading →

Fire of Surrender

Hello again! I know it’s only been three days since my last post, but this one wouldn’t wait. Hopefully there will be inspiration for another post when Tuesday rolls around Continue Reading →

Spirit and Truth

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24 I’ve been thinking about this verse a lot lately. (It may be out of context, but Continue Reading →