As the thoughts and emotions have swirled in my mind and heart this week, I spent a lot of time using the jigsaw puzzle I’ve been working on as a distraction from my journal and dealing with all of the mental chaos. I tend to run to activities, like puzzles or reading or watching movies, when I don’t want to deal with God on issues He is highlighting. It never ceases to amaze me how He can use those very activities to speak to me about the issues.
The jigsaw puzzle I’m working on is by far the most difficult I’ve ever attempted. It’s 1000 pieces of haystack. (If I ever manage to find the haystack, there is a magnifying glass I can then use to try to find the needle!) I started it five weeks ago, and I’m nowhere near finished. This photo is from just over a week ago:
More than three weeks of staring at the pieces, and I’d gotten very few into place. I still have a long way to go, but since arriving back at my holiday home on Monday afternoon (after a fabulous weekend away), I’ve made a lot of progress. Here is the latest photo:
I can’t count the number of times I have picked up a piece and just set it into place during the last few days, and it’s fun to see the picture take shape. I don’t have the box here, so I have no reference to know what the final product will look like or see where a piece might fit.
As I have seen piece after piece fit easily into place this week, God has been speaking to me about my life. It’s been a number of years since I have experienced the level of uncertainty in my life that I’m currently experiencing, but God has been assuring me that He sees the full picture and is putting the pieces into place. I can see small glimpses of the picture, but it may be some time before I get to see the full picture and see how it all fits together.
The great thing is I know He is faithful. He has reminded me of that so often during this season of waiting, and I am trusting that He will continue to be the same God who has come through for me so many times before. I might try at times to force a piece into a place it doesn’t fit, but He is faithful to lovingly take it from my hand and put it where it needs to be.
This song came on my Amazon music player and spoke to me today. “Your world’s not falling apart; it’s falling into place…” If you’re feeling a need to figure things out today, I hope you’ll listen and be encouraged to let go and just be held.