Hi readers,
Here we are again: another week , another blog post. As I’ve written about the rollercoaster of the last few weeks, I’ve noticed an interesting trend.
Two weeks ago, I wrote a post filled with a bit more hope than most of the others from the last month. Then, last week, I wrote one of the most difficult posts from the month. The others were all somewhere in between as far as my state of mind and spirit when writing.
So, what’s the trend? The most difficult post had nearly two and a half times the views in the past week that the previous had in the two weeks since it was posted. The others all fall between those two; the more difficult the time I wrote about, the more views gathered.
I’m not one that seeks to reach millions with my words. If my thoughts minister to one person, that’s great. If I’m really honest, I write as much because it’s helpful for me as I do to reach others.
However, I’m intrigued by this observation. What is it about the posts that admit weakness or anger or despair that draws people in? Is it the sense that we aren’t alone in our struggles? Reassurance that it’s okay to be broken and share our brokenness with others? Understanding that God isn’t going to kick us out of the family if we have a temper tantrum?
Moment of honesty: those last two words could fairly accurately describe much of my last ten days.
Whatever it is that draws people to the raw, emotional posts, you are welcome here. For the foreseeable future, this may be a place of some pretty crazy emotions as I walk through this transition from a land that I believed would be my home (and people who felt like family) into the unknown.
This adventure called life is full of ups and downs, and some seasons have far more of one than the other. Mark Lowry once shared in one of his comedy segments about a scripture he likes. I don’t remember the reference at the moment, but the verse says, “And it came to pass….’ There is more to the verse, but that’s all he shared.
He said, if you are in the middle of hard times, hold on; it’ll pass. And if you are enjoying a season of great times, hold on; it’ll pass.
The truth is, we all have loads of highs and lows and everything in between, so we might as well be honest with each other. If by sharing my journey through my personal valleys, I can be an encouragement to others, that’s great. Knowing there are people walking alongside me in this valley encourages me too.
So, wherever you are in your journey today, hold on; it’ll pass. And when it does, share your view with the rest of us so we can join in your celebrations and lift you up in your struggles.
Well done Stephanie, Well done!